Alert 2 HOUR DELAY - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2025 Read More

Social Events

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival is an annual tradition at St. Ursula School and is an event the entire St. Ursula Harvest Festival community looks forward to each year. The Harvest Festival includes fun family games, crafts, delicious food, prize wheels, a silent auction and much more! All children attend the Harvest Festival during school on the Thursday before the Festival Weekend. They are also encouraged to return on the weekend with their friends and family.

Harvest Festival 2019 is scheduled for Thursday, October 17th; Friday, October 18th; and Saturday, October 19th.  

This huge event requires many volunteers. Service hours are given for help setting up on Wednesday evening, working Thursday during the day, Friday and Saturday during the afternoon and evening and Sunday clean-up. There is also a need for prep-work before the event which could include at-home hours beginning as early as the summer.

The Silent Auction raises a good portion of the proceeds for the Harvest Festival. Volunteers are needed in soliciting donations, picking up donated items and following up with the donors. This can be done from home at your own pace. Volunteers are also needed at school on the evenings of the Harvest Festival. Help is needed in setting up, working the tables and cleaning up after the event. Service hours do apply!

Trunk or Treat 

Each year, around Halloween, the St. Ursula School parking lot transforms into the ultimate trick-or-treat experience. Participants park (and decorate) their vehicles around the SUS parking lot, while students (dressed in costume) go from car to car collecting candy.  It is a good time for all!

Grandparents' Day

Each year, grandparents and special friends are invited to visit their grandchildren's classroom and participate in different activities, including crafts and learning games. 

Father-Daughter Dance

This annual event, hosted by the SUS Fathers’ Club, gives dads the opportunity to spend a special night out with their daughter(s).

Mother-Son Event

This event, hosted by the SUS Mothers' Club takes place in May. In previous years they have had a mother/son sports night and a tour of Camden Yards.

Family Bingo Nights

Throughout the year, family bingo nights are held at St. Ursula School. They are a great opportunity to spend time socially with other SUS families, while enjoying food, games, prizes and more!

Spaghetti Dinner

The annual Spaghetti Dinner is a tasty event looked forward to by the entire St. Ursula community.  The school auditorium is transformed into an “Italian restaurant”; featuring , homemade meatballs and sauce, pasta, salad, bread and delicious desserts.

Spirit Day

Students and staff come together every Catholic Schools Week to celebrate their SUS spirit! Classes compete in both academic and athletic competitions, including basketball games, poster contests and subject-based trivia. 

Race for Education

Each spring, Race for Education raises much-needed funds to continue to provide a quality education and affordable tuition at St. Ursula School. In choosing the Service Hour/Fundraising Package, parents commit to participating in the three major fundraisers. Each student raises funds by asking sponsors to contribute a tax-deductible donation to St. Ursula School. Then, the students have the chance to walk or jog around a “race course” set up in the school parking lot. Last year we raised over $100,000!

Field Day

Field Day is an annual event that both students and parents anticipate every year. Field Day takes place every May at Double Rock Park. Students participate in a variety of fun activities, like egg and spoon relay, sack racing, kick ball, tug-of-war, and more, all while enjoying the spirit of friendly competition. 

Other School Events:

  • Mothers' Club Ladies Night Out
  • Mother-Daughter Event
  • Breakfast with Santa
  • Fathers' Club Golf Tournament
  • Scholastic Book Fair